Thursday, 1 April 2010

Test Drive the Arts at the Alley!

It's been a hectic time at the Alley over the last few months, so sorry for not blogging away, however now I'm back...and brimming over with news, views and projects to share!

The first thing I must mention is the Alley has recently joined a new project run by Audiences NI, entitled "Test Drive The Arts!". What's it about? Well research has shown that if organisations could attract new patrons via a special guest (free) tickets, it allows them to enjoy the experience, see a new art form and wet their appetite to come back and sample another show, this time by paying for the pleasure. It is open to everyone in NI who have never been to a particular venue, meaning someone like myself could visit the Belfast Opera House or the Riverside Theatre in Coleraine. If you haven't been to the Alley, then this is a great opportunity for you, as we have offered guest tickets for Jerry Fish and the Mudbug Club, Kila and Madam Silk....three superb shows which we feel will thrill and excite new patrons to the Alley.

I have to admit I am very excited about the project from a PR perspective and I personally hope it takes off as a sustainable project across NI. It currently works very well in America and Australia, however it has not kept the imagination in the UK. The English version of this scheme has yet to reach it targets for enabling new patrons, even though it has received a large amount of backing from celebs and arts venues.

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